How To: Use TrafficJunky Tokens

In order to help bidders track their campaign more efficiently, TrafficJunky offers URL tokens on its ad creation page.

how to tokens

These tokens will allow you to populate dynamic information in your tracking link to pass relevant information such as the banner id, the spot name and much more.

List of our tokens

{CampaignID} – This token will be replaced with the ID of your campaing 

{CampaignName} – This token will be repaced with the name of your campaign 

{SiteName} – This token will be replaced with the name of your site 

{BanName} – This token will be replaced by the name of your banner 

{AdId} – This token will be replaced with the ID of your d (the BLP+spot combination) 

{AdName} – This token will be replaced by the name of your ad 

{SpotID} – This toekn will be replaced with the ID of the spot on which the ad is shown 

{BidID} – This token will be replaced by the ID of your bid (the ID shown on the bids tab of your campaign)

{Keywords} – Hard coded for static banner ad formats and HTML video. To be added manually for Dynamic Rich Media, EPOM and iFrames  

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